Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Green Roof AND Green WALLS

Keep your eye on this space!

Old Pump House at 3M Urban Ecological Restoration Site
The Columbia Parks and Recreation Department is designing a green roof and green walls for the old pump house on site to create a viewing blind for the wetland and associated wildlife at the 3M Urban Ecological Restoration Project.    

Staff from Public Works, Boone County, MU, and Parks and Recreation recently toured a part of Lincoln University's Alan T. Busby Farm to learn more about their green walls and other sustainability projects.  Busby Farm contains the Compost Facility for Lincoln University, but they have a LOT more than compost going on there!

Dr. Hwei-Yiing Johnson, associate professor of Cooperative Research and Extension at Lincoln University, recycles food waste from the University kitchens by composting.  Dr. Johnson does traditional composting and vermi-composting, or composting with worms.  She does plant research and teaches classes how to compost for better plants.

Be sure to check out the City of Columbia's Learn to Compost Program by clicking here

Poster Describing Worm Bins
Underground Worm Composting Bin

Solar powered hot water heat to keep the underground worms warm in winter!

Additionally Dr. Johnson has developed a green roof and green walls to shelter the traditional compost while it is curing.  (This visit was in December, so the plants won't look very green.)

Compost curing area with green roof and walls - see "plant fuzz" on lower roof and stairs up to roof for research and maintenance
Green roof with sedum plants
Green wall using plant trays
A strung wire green wall for climbing vines - watch for this method at the old Pump House (note: rain barrel disconnected for winter)

The Lincoln University Compost Facility is a portion of a larger farm that they are managing for various sustainable and organic practices.  The Organic Program Manager, Chris Boeckmann, gave an overview of the animal grazing and crop research happening on the farm.

On site, they use rainbarrels to collect excess stormwater runoff from the green roof of the compost shed.  Additionally, they use raingardens and bioswales to treat runoff from the  compost shed and surrounding site. 

Bioswale and Raingarden treating stormwater runoff from compost shed
Lincoln University is seeking sustainable solutions to help farmers and our environment.  Through their research, the City of Columbia will benefit by creating green walls for our Parks and Recreation facility that will be more conducive to wildlife viewing and teaching the community how to implement sustainable solutions in the urban and rural environments.

Keep an eye on the building at the wetland and watch it turn into a “green” building.
Artist's Rendering of "Green" Viewing Platform at 3M Restoration Site
Your City staff is working to create a sustainable community we can all enjoy for years to come!

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